View Full Version : Pelican

02-02-2011, 04:36 PM
Taken at Seabird Sanctuary, Madiera Beach, FL 12/07/10, 1126AM
Nikon D200, Nikon 70-200, ISO 200, 1/640 @ F2.8, Handheld, Photoshop levels, USM.


02-02-2011, 06:02 PM
I like this portrait. The curve of the head, the roughness of the face-bill, and the downturned eyes add a lot. I wonder what he is looking at.

(I agree on eye contact for most animal images but when it is a portrait, the rules go out the window - imho.)

John Chardine
02-02-2011, 09:01 PM
I like it too Lee. At first I thought it was a gannet because the long pelican bill was hidden. There's some lovely detail in the feathers here. I think the far-away gaze works nicely. Do you have the nape feathers at the top in the original? It might be good to include them. I think there might be a hint of over-sharpening in the image.

Dave Leroy
02-02-2011, 11:21 PM
I also like it.

I also like the idea of a crop off top and the left just to move the eye to top left third point or close to it.
Lots of detail around eye and bill. I might also consider doing some mask work to bring up the colours a bit more.

A nice moment with bird captured.


Julie Kenward
02-03-2011, 01:39 PM
This is a very strong portrait, Lee. I'd either include those top feather edges by adding more up top or I'd crop in really close to highlight just the face. If you leave the original crop then I'd clone over the burned spot at the bottom of the frame where his feathers meet the edge.

Great concentration and a real sense of who the bird is are evident in this image. You really captured a moment!