View Full Version : Unknown Sparrow

Russ Chantler
01-28-2011, 10:25 PM

Can anybody help me identify this little guy. The image was taken this afternoon in Tucson Mountain Park, Arizona. Thanks.

Paul Guris
01-29-2011, 11:38 AM
I'm a bit out of my depth, but that shape and pattern are reminiscent of Chipping and Clay-colored Sparrow, while the colors are very gray and muted. There's no dark lore (bad for Chippie) and weak malar lines (bad for Clay-colored). Plus the bill is tiny.

I'm going to go with Brewer's Sparrow on this one.

Oh, yeah. And I love the shot.

Jeff Cashdollar
01-29-2011, 09:39 PM

You could be right on this one. Tucson is within the correct range and it is not a Clay (IMO). I will do some more research and of course when John chimes in he will know it in 5 seconds.

Russ nice shot - maybe more room in the front if available - thanks for sharing and we will confirm the species soon. This is a beautiful baby by the way.

Keep supporting our feathered friends - Best, J$

Russ Chantler
01-29-2011, 10:10 PM

You could be right on this one. Tucson is within the correct range and it is not a Clay (IMO). I will do some more research and of course when John chimes in he will know it in 5 seconds.

Russ nice shot - maybe more room in the front if available - thanks for sharing and we will confirm the species soon. This is a beautiful baby by the way.

Keep supporting our feathered friends - Best, J$

Thanks Jeff. There is lots of room around on this shot. I cropped it tight to show the bird in as much detail as possible.

Jeff Cashdollar
01-29-2011, 10:13 PM
Russ - you are right, the crop if perfect in this regard. I was having a flashback to when I was a moderator in the photo forums.

Russ Chantler
01-29-2011, 10:32 PM
Myself, I'm torn between Brewer's and the gray form of Cassin's. I know Cassin's isn't common here, but I can't find definitive field marks and I've never seen either bird before.

Declan Troy
01-30-2011, 03:48 PM
Looks pretty good for Brewer's too me too. Just seems to scream (chirp) Spizella. The one form not mentioned that you might consider is Timberline Sparrow. Currently not considered a species by the AOU but be prepared as things change.

Paul Lagasi
02-01-2011, 11:24 PM
Looking at my Large Sibley's, I gotta agree with Declan, looks really good for Timberline, right down to the darker bill..nice photo