View Full Version : Gull- Ring-billed or California?

Michael Yessik
01-28-2011, 02:24 PM
Since I've been reading on this site that Gulls get a bad rap as uninteresting, I have started to occasionally take a Gull picture. Personally, I like the light and shadow which I think gives the shot some more interest. Yes, there are blown highlights, not ideal. I also like the head position and the wing positions. Comments and suggestions?

Better Identification?

D300, 300mm w/1.4xTC, f/7.1, 1/1600s

Julie Kenward
01-28-2011, 07:38 PM
I've got nothing against a good gull image so jump right on in, Michael! I like the pose as well. Even though his head and beak are slightly turned away (instead of towards) you it's still a nice pose overall. I like that the back wing keeps his head from blending in with the BG.

You are definitely overexposed on the top back wing area. Have you tried to correct this at all in PS? I also think you could pull back the blue cast a bit as it's a little overwhelming on the bird. Try selecting the blues in a hue/saturation layer and sliding the saturation slider to the left to bring them down some. You can always mask off the BG so the blues stay strong in the sky.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Alan Lillich
01-28-2011, 07:44 PM
I'm no expert, I think California has red on the lower bill. I like that the gull is between the cloud and blue sky. I wish the wings were further down so we could see the underside of the left wing. I don't think gulls get a bad rap on BPN, I've heard folk say they don't deserve their "common" bad rap. I think they are often elegant and interesting. The Heermans is gorgeous.

John Chardine
01-28-2011, 09:07 PM
Hi Michael- looks like a Ring-bill to me but it would sure help to have the date and location. This is a nice bird in flight image. I like the wing position, although as mentioned the head angle is not the best. You really made your life hard with the time of day/sun angle you have here. You will get much better results if you plan your outings so that the sun is behind you and preferably low. Better still, shoot in foul weather or at least in cloudy or foggy conditions- all work great for birds in flight because the light will be soft and even and the dynamic range your poor sensor has to capture is much restricted. As a bird photographer, the bright sun is your enemy. I know all this is often not possible and we all get trapped in the conditions nature gives us. However, therein lies the challenge!

Michael Yessik
01-28-2011, 10:07 PM
Per the suggestions, I took the blue out of the bird, and tried to tone down the highlights, but could only do so much.

It was Northern CA in January.

Dan Brown
01-28-2011, 10:57 PM
Hi Michael, I agree that this is a Ring-billed Gull. And I will stick my neck out and say it is a late second winter bird! Small amount of black in the tail, gray mantel, yellowish feet, dirty head and very little white in the primaries are my basis.:p

Peter Farrell
01-29-2011, 01:00 PM
Hey Michael, very nice fight pose, good critique from others. Your repost is an improvement but the Bg is still a little distracting.

Dave Leroy
01-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Nothing wrong with gull photos. They are always fun and interesting to look at.

I like the nice wing position and nice clear view of head.

HA and light condition have been mentioned.


Paul Guris
01-29-2011, 04:01 PM
I'll go with Ring-billed. I agree with Dan's assessment on age as well. I think the primary coverts on California would show a lot darker in this plumage, the head streaking would not be so fine, and the bill would be larger.