View Full Version : Cormorant in Flight

Leon Robinson Jr.
01-23-2011, 08:49 PM
Still working on getting my BIFs in focus; boy this is going to take sometime! Shot at the Brandon Rookery.

Canon 7D - 1/1250 - F5.6 - ISO 800 - FF at -3 (Better Beamer)

Dave Leroy
01-23-2011, 10:46 PM
I like the timing on this one. FG wing is nice and high and shot taken just before bird passes by.

Sharpness looks good to me. In fact I wonder if another selective round would bring out a bit more feather detail.

Nice composition as well.

Julie Kenward
01-24-2011, 08:13 PM
Leon, it looks like your focus ended up more on the wings and less on the body. Make sure you're focusing in on the head and eye and let the rest fall where it will.

You did fairly well here - not as easy and it looks is it? :S3: It does take practice and there are so many variables in BIF images that it can take quite a bit of trial and error to know what will give the best results in each set of circumstances. One thing I'd suggest is making sure you're shooting in burst mode if possible so you end up with several images in a row - you might have ended up with one this good where the entire bird was in the frame a split second later.

You're doing well...keep it up!

John Chardine
01-25-2011, 07:18 PM
Yes, this is not an easy capture. I like the way the bird appears to be looking slightly towards you. I would suggest a little more room to the rear. The image looks a little soft and does respond to another round of sharpening which I tried in Ps. I would tone down the highlights on the bill a little. Very well done on this one Leon!