View Full Version : Ruddy Turnstone

Mark Young
12-28-2010, 03:03 AM
Taken a couple of weeks ago at my local marine reserve.

Canon 7D 300f4+1.4tc, ISO400, f7.1, 1/1600, HH.

Rohan Kamath
12-28-2010, 04:16 AM
I really liked one legged the pose here and the slight head turn.

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Conservation begins at HOME... We CAN make a difference...

Humberto Ramos
12-28-2010, 06:46 AM
Hi Mark, the one leg pose is great and the BG also, but in my opinion the head should have more 1 or 2 degrees left, I also think you should apply an USM in the head.

Joe Brown
12-28-2010, 07:28 AM
Only thing I see, it is cropped a little tight on the tail. Great shot.


Richard Pittam
12-28-2010, 08:42 AM
Fantastic shot Mark. Perfect lighting. I had heard the 300f4 was good.
i agree with Joe's comment about the crop, but wondered if you could reduce the amount of the OOF foreground at the bottom of the image - I'm just being picky here.


Don Lacy
12-28-2010, 02:54 PM
Hi Mark, Love the light and how the BG compliments the subject a really nice image that I think would be even better if you cropped the OOF foreground as Richard has mention and added a touch more room behind the tail as Joe pointed out.

Daniel Cadieux
12-28-2010, 03:37 PM
Neat one-legged pose here. I like the HA - it's fine as is. Awesome BG!! I too wish the OOF FG rocks would not be there, and I would tone down the whitest whites close to the tucked-in foot. I'm thinking a horizontal comp would have been better here, but still not bad as a vertical.

Mark Young
12-28-2010, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's much appreciated. :cheers:

Agree about the oof fg needing to go. I went with this crop because there is a large black rock that's to left of the bird. And had I added more canvas after the tail I would've had to add more to the other side so as not to have a square crop, which I don't overly like sometimes. As it is I had to clone out just the start of the black rock in the lower left corner. Which is also the reason I went for a vert comp over a horizontal. But I do see these birds very regularly so I will post a nice horizontal soon. :)

Duane Noblick
12-29-2010, 06:02 AM
I like the image as is even though I agree about the oof rock. I also like how the bg compliments the colors of the bird and love the low angle you managed...puts us at their level in this world.

Daniel Cadieux
12-29-2010, 10:25 AM
Hey Mark, thanks for the additional info in regards to your crop choice :).

Pieter de Waal
12-29-2010, 11:40 AM
Hi Mark , nicely exposed image with as has been said great complimentary background. I also like the low angle and the oof foregound is easily fixed.