View Full Version : Eland trio sunrise

Marc Mol
12-15-2010, 08:41 PM
Masai Mara, Kenya Oct 2010.
I originally had a little more room on the LHS, but lost it upon slight straightening horizon in CS5:2eyes2:.
Increased the saturation in the blue top sky a little.
Slight crop 10% top and bottom to pano.

D700 70-200VRII + 1.4tc f/5 1/150s ISO1600@220mm

C & C most welcome


Harshad Barve
12-15-2010, 09:09 PM
exquisite colors here , well seen and captured

Hilary Hann
12-16-2010, 01:20 AM
Marc, I don't find this as captivating as some of your other silhouettes and I think it is because it feels a little two dimensional. I know, photos are 2 dimensional, but the depth is lacking because there is no middle background or distance background, just horizon then sky. I know that it is the nature of silhouettes to be 2 dimensional, but it feels like it is all on one plane of interest. Perhaps if the animals were walking towards you it might have strengthened the image?

Conversely, I like the separation of the 3 eland, and the clarity of their silhouettes. I also think the whispy grasses look quite atmospheric … and then the sky, that fabulous Mara/Serengeti sky.

Bottom line … I'm ambivalent about how strongly I feel about the image and I may be criticised for being too critical but you are a fine photographer so I feel that you deserve an honest opinion. :)

Marc Mol
12-16-2010, 01:30 AM
Bottom line … I'm ambivalent about how strongly I feel about the image and I may be criticised for being too critical but you are a fine photographer so I feel that you deserve an honest opinion. :)

No problems with your honest critique Hilary and.... flattery will get you everywhere.:D

Rachel Hollander
12-16-2010, 08:16 AM
Marc - great separation on the elands. Well spotted and captured. I too like the sky and the wispy grasses. I might go a little darker on the fg because I can see a few white rocks there. Well done.


Austin Thomas
12-16-2010, 06:20 PM
Very well seen Marc and nicely processed. The blues in the sky look a tad over done in my personal opinion.

Well done on getting so close, given your lens combination. I always seem to scare Elands away for some reason.



Todd Frost
12-16-2010, 09:20 PM
Another nice silhouette Marc. Agree with Hilary on the not as strong as some others you have posted, but would love to have this one in my files :). Well done.

Ken Watkins
12-16-2010, 10:19 PM

You seem to have developed a penchant for silhouettes on your trip:)

The colours on this one seem a little strong.


There are only three places I have been where Eland generally allow you to get close Etosha, Tuli Block and our local game reserve De Hoop (also famous for African Black Oystercatchers). But even in these places there are no guarantees.

Marc Mol
12-16-2010, 11:20 PM
Thanks Ken

There are only three places I have been where Eland generally allow you to get close Etosha, Tuli Block and our local game reserve De Hoop (also famous for African Black Oystercatchers). But even in these places there are no guarantees.

You can add the Mara to that list Ken, they were quite approachable here as well.

12-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Love the simplicity and the color of the sky and clouds. Very nice!