View Full Version : Oyster Catcher

Dave Leroy
12-14-2010, 06:19 PM
This bird insisted on having its bird bath regardless of what was going on around it. One vehicle was backing in to a ramp behind it and I was just getting ready to leave when It walked up from the beach to this puddle.

I think I have left room for virtual feet.

50D, 500mm +1.4TC, 1/320, f5.6, Av +2/3, ISO400.


Craig Wallace
12-14-2010, 09:04 PM
Nice Image, I like how sharp the eye and eye ring are, the detail in the feathers and beads of water. It would been nice to to see the colorful legs and feet.

Paul Guris
12-15-2010, 10:45 AM
Gorgeous, for all the reasons Craig gave.

Myer Bornstein
12-15-2010, 11:15 AM
Ditto to the above reasons

Maureen Allen
12-15-2010, 03:00 PM
I too really like this shot. The detail is wonderful and the water droplets are a nice bonus. He looks cold!

Alan Lillich
12-15-2010, 07:36 PM
Very nice. The color match between the bird and background really lets the eye and bill stand out. Lots of nice detail in the whole bird, more than I would have expected from f/5.6.

Julie Kenward
12-15-2010, 09:22 PM
Okay, maybe I'm crazy...but this is the second image where I think I'm seeing a magenta color cast. I just calibrated my new computer this weekend so I'll submit this for your review...

I did an "auto" levels adjustment and it pushed it more to the blue side. I then used a soft blue from the BG to lightly paint over the heavy brown blotches in the BG and to calm down the water a bit.

One thing to keep in mind, Dave, is whether or not you think the water drops on the bird really enhance the image. To me, they are a bit too small and without detail - I'd consider cloning them out - expecially if you decide to print this one. Those tiny white water drops can become plain white spots on a finished print.

I think you have a very nice HA and pose and I love that you let the virtual feet have some room! Way to go!

Anway, let's see what you all think of this adjustment - maybe it's just the new computer?

Alan Lillich
12-15-2010, 10:56 PM
Julie - You prompted me to recalibrate my monitors before replying. I'm not very good about judging colors. But since I'm looking for it I agree the grey feathers might look slightly magenta in the OP, but they also look distinctly blue in your repost.

I like the colors and saturation in the OP better. And love the water drops!

All personal taste ...

Dave Leroy
12-15-2010, 10:59 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments. i was quite surprised by how determined to have a bath the bird was. That time of day i guess.

And yes Alan, I was pleased with the dof at 5.6 as the birds are quite chunky..

I know what you mean by a color cast Jules. I had fooled with it a bit and was never happy with what i came up with.

I think the clue is the water. It was a cool, flat overcast day so I think the water would be pretty close to neutral; so a grey.

Perhaps yours has a bit too much blue.

Here is another attempt of mine. I used the middle eye dropper in levels, then reduced red and darkened red as well in Hue/saturation.

Interesting comment about the water drops and a good one as well.


Julie Kenward
12-16-2010, 08:24 AM
I agree...not having ever seen this bird in person I wasn't sure how blue/gray those top feathers were - I was just pretty sure there was a magenta cast in there somewhere. And you're right - it's all personal taste...good job on this one.