View Full Version : Kalahari Caracal

Morkel Erasmus
12-13-2010, 03:13 PM
I've been swamped with work and personal stuff but this week seems to look more lightly loaded...except that we're going on a short trip for the South African long weekend starting on the 16th :)

This caracal was not only my second sighting of this elusive cat on this particular day, it was coincidentally also the second sighting of my entire life (what a day!). She walked beside our vehicle for about 2km before eventually quenching her thirst at one of the waterholes in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. We kept alongside her and sort-of forced the other tourists who were piling up behind us to keep at her pace...she seemed timid and we wanted to enjoy this sighting on her terms.

She looked ragged and worn out - I hope she survived the dry and cold winter and is now flourishing in the rainy season.

Light direction wasn't ideal - and although the light seems harsh it was shortly after 9am...

Canon 7D with 100-400mm L IS USM @ 160mm
f8.0 @ 1/800 SS @ ISO-400
Exp +0.3
(had to save at 57 quality setting to make the file fit)

Marc Mol
12-13-2010, 03:41 PM
Just fabulous to see and photograph Morkel, and how well she blends into the Kalahari BG.
Like the head turn toward you and the raised paw. Yet to break my Caracal sighting, although my wife has seen one whilst both of us were in the same vehicle .........maybe one day.

Morkel Erasmus
12-13-2010, 03:47 PM
thanks Marc - you wouldn't believe it but all the while as she walked next to our vehicle she only gave me this ONE look...the rest is all flat ignorance (much like a house cat you peeved off ;))

I hope you break your drought soon!

Steve Kaluski
12-13-2010, 04:26 PM
Hi Morkel, never having seen one, i have to say, this is a really strange looking animal, it looks very elongated, but the characteristic ear tips are great, and a really like that slightly bent front leg. I think you could have used f/5.6, as you still would have the detail, but would have aided the SS. :)

I would not get hung up about the 'quality number' the image does not suffer when posted and tends to be very reflective of the original image. Check out my barn owl image in Avian, it said 63. :)

Great to see a unique animal Morkel and a day I am sure you will treasure. :cheers::cheers:


Lorant Voros
12-13-2010, 04:37 PM
Your heart must have jumped out when you saw her, Morkel. What a sighting!
The pose and look show clearly how she ignores you guys being there. Let's hope she will make it through the hard times and one day you will see her again. I love the picture and I am sure you will never forget this special day. TFS.


Robert Amoruso
12-13-2010, 04:46 PM
Given the light, you handled it well Morkel.

Rachel Hollander
12-13-2010, 04:59 PM
Morkel - great sighting, well captured despite the light issues. I'm surprised at how short the tail is.


Harshad Barve
12-13-2010, 08:11 PM

Great sighting and very well done

South African long weekend starting on the 16th :)

Any specific reason for long week end , Looks like everyone wants to be on Centurion :D:D

Hilary Hann
12-13-2010, 08:23 PM
It must have been something to have this cat's company for such a long time. I like this better than the earlier image you posted of her, the raised paw and the turned head really connect with the viewer. Hopefully she did survive.

Ken Watkins
12-13-2010, 11:15 PM

Is this a large crop?

The details in the fur look very limited too me, how did you lighten the shadows?

The light was certainly not with you in this instance.

Caracals are plentiful but rarely seenwe once drove along with one at Kwando Lagoon, but it was at night, we were shielding it from aL eopard on the other side of the vehicle.

Morkel Erasmus
12-14-2010, 04:20 PM
thanks for the kind comments everyone...

Ken this is just about full frame. I went very lightly with the shadow/highlights tool?

Harshad - the 16th is a public holiday and many took the 17th as a day leave to utilise the weekend fully :)

12-27-2010, 10:47 AM
I may have to stop talking to you Morkel :). So lucky - what a great sighting. I have so far only managed a caracal at 300m. Maybe next time......

Love the photo - the ear tufts are shown off really well. Classic aloof cat face. Great.