View Full Version : Hooded Merganser

Mike Veltri
12-13-2010, 05:49 AM
Not as good a year as last with these great little ducks as the ponds froze early this season.
Here is one from a week or so ago, only wish his eye was not in a bit of shadow. But I like that the tail feathers were up.


Canon 1D Mark IV
Canon 500mm F/4 IS
Metering: Spot
ISO 800
Hand Held on my stomach

Thanks for looking, :)
Mike Veltri

Randy Stout
12-13-2010, 09:37 AM

The same light angle that caused the shaded eye, really helped show definition on the breast and hood. These whites are very often rendered without detail with full frontal lighting or flash.
I might be tempted to clean up the eye a bit.

Good low shooting angle, nice water color.



PS: Be sure to post at the 1024 x800 size, it really makes the images present better.

Bill Dix
12-13-2010, 09:51 AM
Great low shooting angle and nice detail. (Not to mention the full hood -- I'm still waiting to get one as full as this). Good suggestion from Randy to clean up the eye.

Kaustubh Deshpande
12-13-2010, 10:59 AM
Loved the super low angle and the profile head angle. Good timing on getting the full hood. If mine, I'd crop some from bottom. There is a lot of noise there.