View Full Version : Brown creeper

Myer Bornstein
12-11-2010, 07:49 PM
My first day out photographing and birdwatching since my return from Florida. We had 45 species of birds this morning but I was only able to get a few pictures. This is a photo of a small elusive bird, the brown creeper. It feeds in insects on and under the bark of trees. it will start at the bottom and work its way up the tree, then fly to the bottom of another tree and start again. It cannot creep down a tree like nuthatches and other birds can.
Taken with Nikon D3s on Auto ISO 1/1250 @ f 7.1 ISO 1250, in shade hand held no flash. 20-400 f 2.8 lens with a Kenko 2x TC. cropped and ajusted in LR

Daniel Cadieux
12-11-2010, 07:59 PM
This is a tough species to get a good image of. Always on the move, and fast up those trees! I like the bark and BG, but overall the image suffers from a few things. Fill-flash would have definitely helped you here, or some + EC, as the subject and perch are dark. There is a bluish cast to them too. I am also wondering how much of a crop this is as the IQ looks compromised.

On the positive to add to the nice bark and BG are that you were able to keep this speedster in the viewfinder, and it seems as if it was relatively low on the tree which is better than a neck bending high angle up a trunk!:)

Myer Bornstein
12-11-2010, 08:21 PM
Tight crop, no fill flash was on a 3 mile walk ond had my binocular and my camera and yes it was low on the tree. This image was in the shade I do have an image in the sun but it is with the birds back to me and doesn't show its features

I adjusted the exposure and decrease the blues (i hope since I could not see the cast on my screen)