View Full Version : Osprey With Lunch

Chris Martinez
11-30-2010, 02:27 AM
I was all packed up and ready to head home when this Osprey landed on the rocks with lunch. I wasn't going to pull my gear out and set up again as I figured the bird would probably fly off as soon as I hit the rocks(Murphy's Law). I ummed and ahhed then decided I'd be stupid to miss an opportunity like this. I pulled all my gear out scrambled down the rocks and finished off my 16GB flash card. I'd loaded another and fired off 6-8 frames before the bird let off a distress call. I looked around and saw a couple with a dog trying to get in on the action. Needless to say the bird would not tolerate the mutt and proceeded to fly up to its penthouse apartment(tall pine tree overlooking the headland.

1D MKIV, 600 IS.

ISO 800
Manual exposure.

Dan Avelon
11-30-2010, 03:13 AM
great pose, I like the fish too!

Sharad Agrawal
11-30-2010, 05:23 AM
Fantastic ...love the stare....

Charles Scheffold
11-30-2010, 06:44 AM
He definitely has that "just what do you think you're looking at?" stare :)

I would probably boost the saturation a bit (maybe selectively) in order to emphasize the eyes. All in all, well done!


Joerg Rockenberger
11-30-2010, 07:59 PM
Great stare and situation. I like the breaking wave in the background. Wish for more space on the left... JR