View Full Version : Ops, Dropped it!

Bob Malbon
01-03-2008, 08:59 PM
Pine Grosbeak female working on dinner today just before sunset. Wadded thru snow waist deep to get closer to this one - not a normal winter visitor here on the south end of Maine. 30D, 500f4, on BushHawk - AV f5.6, AF, 1/600 - iso320 - Bob


Fabs Forns
01-03-2008, 09:37 PM
Hi Bob,

Do you want me to be nice or helpful??? :)

I see you have potential here. The first thing I see is mixed light, evident in the shadow across the top of the bird. Second, the position of the head could be better, to show a better angle and a catch light. The white patches of snow are also distracting.

I hope you don't mind my critique, it's done with my bes intention of helping you :)

Judd Patterson
01-03-2008, 11:59 PM
Hey Bob! Fabs has directed you in the right direction to try and shoot a cleaner image. Pine Grosbeaks are great birds and the first part is certainly battling the conditions to get in position to create images (sounds like you've got that covered). With patience I'm sure you can eventually find these birds in a more favorable pose, preferably with some eye contact. Good luck!

Bob Malbon
01-04-2008, 06:55 AM
I hear you guys on the issues and I do want reality not prase. I post captures that I feel are close but need something that I may not see. Again thanks,
Bob Malbon