View Full Version : African Sacred Ibis

Stu Bowie
03-11-2008, 12:20 PM
These guys frequent dams, waterworks, sewerage works, and are basically scavengers. They have a lovely wing span, and although I havent shown it in this image, I will in future. This guy had just taken off from the ground.

Judy Lynn Malloch
03-11-2008, 01:06 PM
Beautiful action captured in this image Stuart and excellent exposure. Love the determined look on the ibis's face and the great eye contact. It is well framed and there are no nits for me. Thanks for sharing Stuart.

Joshua Lubitz
03-11-2008, 02:21 PM
Amazing looking species and a solid photo! Great work!

Fabs Forns
03-11-2008, 03:49 PM
Lovely to see the species, wish the wings were in a different position. Looking forward to more :)

Glenn Bartley
03-11-2008, 04:05 PM
A nice dynamic pose. Love that intense eye.

Axel Hildebrandt
03-11-2008, 09:50 PM
I like the eye contact and exposure control and agree that the wing position is unfortunate. Do you have other images from this series with either wings up or down?

Anton Roos
03-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Excellent detail on the blacks. Good comp and posture and like the eye. Well done.