View Full Version : Sooty Grouse

Glenn Bartley
09-24-2010, 03:05 PM
Here's one from back in the spring. I was walking along looking for songbirds and I flushed this female grouse. I never would have even seen her if she didnt fly. Anyways, she landed on this nice branch and allowed me to get this shot.

Hope you like it :)


Camera Model: Canon EOS 7D
Shutter speed: 1/160 sec
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 400
Focal length: 500mm + 1.4x

Andrew McLachlan
09-24-2010, 04:32 PM
Hi Glenn,

Very nice shot! I am familiar with much of your work from checking out your website and your collection at ACP. It is amazing what you don't notice when out walking - once I walked right past a cow moose while walking on a small woodland trail. She was about 20 feet into the forest and it wasn't until she moved that I became aware (might be why I don't have a big wildlife collection :)).


Ray Rozema
09-24-2010, 11:11 PM
Beautiful detail and color. Great angle The head looks a tad sharper than the body. Might add just a little more to the left side. Congrats on being able to catch the opportunity.TFS Ray Rozema

Joerg Rockenberger
09-25-2010, 12:38 AM
Great image - pose, exposure and sharpness. Perhaps a bit tight, especially on the left...

Best, JR

Paul Randall
09-25-2010, 05:06 AM
What a beautiful image of a stunning species!! All looks great to me (apart from the tightness at frame left) especially the complimentary BG.

john jackson
09-25-2010, 05:36 AM
Hi Glen

Superb plumage detail. I wonder if the whites could be a bit brighter? It may be my monitor (or it may be the bird!), but the white plumage details look slightly grey. I, like Ray, would like to see a less tight crop and see more space and more of that interesting branch. The over the shoulder pose of the bird could allow for a non-standard crop with the bird top right. If your photo is not cropped, then you have used excellent focus skills on a full frame. Love those feather patterns.