View Full Version : Northern Shoveller Male doin Acrobats

Trivedi Vatsal
09-22-2010, 01:24 AM

Taken at Jamnagar (Gujarat), India.

Camera : Canon 50D
Lens : Canon 100-400L IS
ISO : 400
Speed : 1/2500 sec.
Aperture : F/7.1

Thanks for viewing! :)

Paul Randall
09-22-2010, 02:05 AM
Looks like a fairly hefty crop Trivedi. I would suggest a looser crop with more room at right and bottom of frame. Colours and exposure look great (perhaps the left leg could be desaturated a little) and looks pretty sharp where it counts:D

Mike Milicia
09-22-2010, 07:25 AM
Very cool pose!

I'll second desaturating the leg/foot a bit.
I like the placement of the duck in the frame but would prefer more room at the bottom.

Amano Samarpan
09-22-2010, 12:22 PM
Nice colourful wing stretch image but I wonder about the colour on the beak .. !?

Dan Brown
09-22-2010, 12:59 PM
I like the pose. The leg color is a bit bright but the species does show that in the field. Is this a big crop? I see quite a bit of noise in the darks. You could do some selective noise reduction to reduce it. Also, a better head angle with the birds bill pointing more to the viewers left would improve this, but, it is what it is.

09-22-2010, 04:38 PM
+1 on desaturating. Very interesting pose. Too bad you only got one eye and have the shadow of the bill.

Trivedi Vatsal
09-23-2010, 03:16 AM
Thanks every one for your valuable suggestions. I will work on that. It's always good for the freshers like me to have such guidance, helps me in improving my skills further...... :)