View Full Version : Boat-tailed Grackle

Wheeler McDougal Jr.
03-09-2008, 05:36 PM
I was out today on the east coast of Florida and I saw this Grackle in the bright afternoon sun, couldn't pass up the beautiful blue. What do the experts think? Nikon D3, 200-400 w/1.4 extender. 1/500 @ f/5.6, ISO 200, Exposure comp- -1/3 AF-C, Aperture priority. Thanks ahead of time for your opinions.

Fabs Forns
03-09-2008, 06:43 PM
Hey Mac, you did good here capturing the iridescence. I may take dsome off the right and add canvas to the left, in front of the bird and go back on the saturation a tiny bit.
Check your e-mail, please :)

Dave Phillips
03-09-2008, 06:52 PM
super shimmer and I bet you'll get more, as they do hang out in the same areas day after day.
Yes, a bit oversaturated IMO

nice eye detail/color, but a strange flair in top half

Alfred Forns
03-09-2008, 06:53 PM
Agree with Fabs suggestion !!!! Love the bg and well lit bird You did catch the iridescent color Would back down the saturation Great head angle !!!!

Wheeler McDougal Jr.
03-09-2008, 08:06 PM
Hi Fabs and Alfred- Thanks for your suggestions on the image, here are some the changes I think you suggested. ON the saturation I didn't increase it for the original capture, so on this one I backed it off about a -20, Hope you like it.

Grady Weed
03-10-2008, 09:36 AM
The revised is better. The grackle, crow and black birds hate me. I can't get to within 1 mile of them. Keep posting.

Glenn Bartley
03-10-2008, 10:00 AM
I like the crop of the second........but the processing of the first better. In either case I dont think the composition is ideal for a portrait of this species. There is just too much dead space above and to the right. Something like this would work better for me. And I think the image really needs a better head angle to work.


Wheeler McDougal Jr.
03-10-2008, 04:27 PM
Glenn- Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. I like your crop better than mine but I disagree about the head angle. Anyway that's what makes a horse race. Thanks again.