View Full Version : Temminck's Stint on snow

Austin Thomas
08-15-2010, 08:02 AM
Here is another one from this years trip to Norway. He was walking across the snow feeding as he walked. The standard camo gear I was wearing was useless in the snow but the Stint was pretty unconcerned about my presence.

I have some images where the Stint is very small in the frame showing the vast amount of snow covered land, so when I processed this one I wanted to show more detail in the subject.

C&C welcome.

Canon 1DMK4, 500mm plus 1.4x, 1/1250, f7.1, ISO400.



denise ippolito
08-15-2010, 08:26 AM
Austin, I really like this image. The small bird in the frame adds a lot to the composition, conveying a sense of solitude. I like the raised foot pose and the small amount of icy snow that is on top of the foot. Exposure and details look good. I think a small catch light might add to this but I understand some may not like to add one.

John Chardine
08-15-2010, 11:18 AM
Fabulous exposure Austin, in a really challenging situation by the looks of it. Super composition and pose on the bird. I love the whole package. I am wondering if the bird could use a little lightening up?

Hendri Venter
08-15-2010, 01:07 PM
Just love the space and foot up. Expertly exposed and very good detail.

Arthur Morris
08-15-2010, 03:04 PM
I love this one too. The raised foot with the ice crystals is killer as is the perfect head angle/position. May we assume that this was in June? Or late May? Where in Norway?

Now all that I need to do is find one at Jamaica Bay this week :) The bird sure is different from our peep.

Austin Thomas
08-15-2010, 05:26 PM
I love this one too. The raised foot with the ice crystals is killer as is the perfect head angle/position. May we assume that this was in June? Or late May? Where in Norway?

Now all that I need to do is find one at Jamaica Bay this week :) The bird sure is different from our peep.

Hi Artie,

This image was taken on 7th June 2010, close to Varanger in Northern Norway on a trip with fellow BPN member Richard Steel. I am sure ( and hope ) you will find your target in Jamaica Bay and look forward to seeing your images.



Arthur Morris
08-15-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the info Austin. I do not think that there is an East Coast record of this species and not sure of any on the West Coast.... Be right back. A quick unofficial search showed a very few in Alaska, British Columbia, and the state of Washington.

Austin Thomas
08-15-2010, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the info Austin. I do not think that there is an East Coast record of this species and not sure of any on the West Coast.... Be right back. A quick unofficial search showed a very few in Alaska, British Columbia, and the state of Washington.

I am sure if they are to be found you will do your best to bring an image back with you. I will be waiting to see the image in your bulletin, so no pressure Artie.......



Arthur Morris
08-15-2010, 06:05 PM
I did find NY State's first Red-necked Stint at JBWR in July of 1985 :)