View Full Version : Keel - billed Toucan

Richard Unsworth
08-04-2010, 07:30 AM

aha got the eye anyway.

let's have some help with the rest :2eyes2:

Captured in Nosara Costa Rica, seldom see them in the open ; we just scared him out of a treein the garden VERY low down, fly to this perch. Very powerful overhead light.
Handheld f5.6 at 400 ISO 400 Canon 40D


Ben Harris
08-04-2010, 09:02 AM
Seems... over sharpened, or something. A cool capture, but could be much sharper, I think.

Richard Unsworth
08-04-2010, 01:12 PM
Hi Ben

Thanks for comment, there is some motion on his back where a gust of wind caught the feathers I think. I was suprised to find him in the garden so had to grab shot. ;)

probably over did sharpen in Topaz so redone.


Lance Peters
08-04-2010, 04:38 PM
HI Richard - way cool bird!!
Something funky going on with the PP?? Maybe post the original with no changes - just a straight conversion to JPG.
Seems to be lacking in detail and has that smooth look- realize you said it was windy.

Dave Mills
08-04-2010, 05:40 PM
Hi Richard, Nice subject and agree with Lance that the image looks a bit funky. The overhead light might be playing on the head causing loss of detail in the feathers.
Not sure why the back feathers look as they do...might take out small hot areas in the backround...

Richard Unsworth
08-05-2010, 02:48 AM
Hi gents

here is jpeg, cropped of course with no PP

unfortunately funky back etc probably motion blur due to wing :confused:

I am looking at some others taken moments apart; seldom get the opportunity in the wild to get that beak side on; sure there are loads of pics in zoos ;)


Dave Mills
08-05-2010, 08:52 AM
Richard, I now notice some detail in the yellow which wasn't in the OP or repost...

Richard Unsworth
08-05-2010, 09:22 AM
Hi Dave

Yes true, it seems I may have just got it wrong, I was trying to intensify the image as it's very colorful but overdid it.
Not sure whether it can be improved on; interested to see what Lance says too..it,s quite a heavy crop now and unfortunately I had large jpeg or small raw., the latter being as useful as a chocolate fireguard.;)
