View Full Version : GBH with catch

wendell westfall
07-31-2010, 03:39 PM
D90 70-200VR+2X@140 1/2500 f5.6 ISO640 0EV handheld

On a very hazy morning yesterday I watched this guy fish for the little ones. I'm doubtful the image is clear enough and sharp enough to be a keeper. If that is true, what might I have done to make it better?


Arthur Morris
07-31-2010, 06:02 PM
Hi Wendell, Did you sharpen the JPEG? For the repost I selected the bird only and ran a contrast mask (Unsharp Mask at 15/65/0.) It looks a lot better. Be aware that the bird's head is turned slightly away from you; in this case, slightly towards you would have been better.

wendell westfall
07-31-2010, 07:04 PM
Hi Artie: Yes, I set Sharpening at +150 in Lightroom, on the entire image. I see your approach gives a better result. Thanks for the re-post and your suggestion.

Arthur Morris
07-31-2010, 07:30 PM
You are most welcome. Thanks a ton for your membership support.

wendell westfall
07-31-2010, 08:53 PM
Artie, I'll take this opportunity to tell you that I have benefited from my membership far more than I ever guessed I would. I am a rank amateur birder and photographer, entirely self-taught, and coming at the activity as a very old retiree with lots of time but with almost no photography experience. I am particularly appreciative of all the help I get here. I know I should participate more but don't kid myself about my meager skills to help others. Anyway, I'm having fun and think I'm getting a bit better thanks to critics like yourself.

Arthur Morris
08-01-2010, 06:32 AM
Thanks for your kind words. Having self-professed meager skills should not preclude anyone from commenting on the work of others; what do you like? What don't you like? And why?

Do you have a copy of ABP II?

Grace Scalzo
08-01-2010, 11:15 AM
Hi Wendell, I really like your image, there is something rather comical about the tip of that big bill holding that tiny fish by the tail with the water droplets flying. Artie's repost looks great, head angle duly noted. But against that demerit, you get a plus for the head angle of the fish. Sure hope to see more of your images and also some comments from you on some others. It's amazing what you can learn from doing that and I think you have lots to offer.

wendell westfall
08-01-2010, 12:08 PM
Artie, I do not have ABP II (though I do have Digital Basics PDF). I use Lightroom 3 and PS Elements 5 to post process my images. Do I need full-Photoshop to do justice to my images or to get the most from ABP II? As you know, Photoshop is quite expensive.