View Full Version : Sandhill Crane

Andrew Merwin
07-28-2010, 08:33 PM
Mrk3, tripod, ISO 400, 1/640, +0.33 ev, 700mm. Nearly full frame. No room on RHS, top or bottom. Cropped from the LHS.

Taken shortly after dawn in YNP @ Swan Lake Flat.

Desmond Chan
07-28-2010, 09:28 PM
May be it's my monitor, the sandhill crane does not look sharp and the details are not showing well. It looks to me some flash was used or the water was acting as a reflector and bounced some light back to the crane. Either way, there seems to be too much light on the crane.

Sometime ago I was told here on bpn a concept called virtual leg. If I am to apply that concept here, I'd say there should be more room left at the bottom of the photograph.

It looks to me the image could use some rotation adjustment, too.

I find the pose all right as the eye contact seems to be there. I think the crane was looking at you.:)

Axel Hildebrandt
07-29-2010, 05:17 AM
Light and setting are interesting, eye contact looks good, too. I agree with Desmond that some sharpening of the bird would be good. Could you have made this a vertical in the field?

Andrew Merwin
07-29-2010, 07:16 AM
Thanks for the comments. In comparing the image on my computer & the posted image, sharpness suffered with the image posting. RE. Vertical in the field? Yes, I thought of it after this shot.

Virtual leg? This is the first time I have heard of it. Interesting concept.

Frankly, I was too close for 700 mm focal length with too little time to change to 500 mm.
