View Full Version : I am sure, you can't see me!

Rosl Roessner
01-03-2008, 01:35 PM
When you see the picture, the bird is very obvious. But out in the field, it happens quite often, that you see them only, when they suddenly take off, when you come to near to them..... I saw this heron -please help me with it's english name; we call him "mangrovenreiher", what means "Heron of the mangrooves", but I am sure, that this isn't it's real english name ;-)))- in Egyt, when it was waiting for some fish.
I like the pano crop for this bird, because it underlines the typical behaviour of the bird, which one can see quite often in that pose.
What do you think?

f 7.1 / 1/320 sec. / ISO 250
Mark III Canon 100 - 400

I want to say thank you to all of you for creating this fantastic forum! Let's fill it up with life an fun!
Best regards from cold and cloudy Germany,

Jody Melanson
01-03-2008, 05:59 PM
Nice cropping this as a panorama, Rose. Good low shooting angle. I wish his head was a little more towards us. As for ID, it looks like it could be a Least or American Bittern?

Also this post is a little early for the 24 hour period between posts.

Rosl Roessner
01-04-2008, 02:10 AM
Thank you Jody, for your critique.
The correct name of the bird is Butorides striatus, and it is a juvenile one. Does this help to find the common english name?
And sorry for posting too early; I thought you want only one posting within 24 hours, or let's say one day. But I'll stop posting now for this whole day; then I'll be "clean" I hope.