View Full Version : honeybadger

peter delaney
07-17-2010, 04:55 PM
The problem with LR 3 is that its library function is too good.... so much so that I have been cataloging, what seems like forever... anyway this is one of many images that I have come across and had forgotten about..

this honeybadger I have good/ bad memories , "good" that it was my first encounter with the species, "bad" that it would also be remembered as the one I missed ...a few frames before this image , he was attacked by a leopard , witnessed only by me, missed only by be... except for some images suffering camera shake:(

and then that leopard stalked me while I sat outside my tent later that night... it then slept outside my tent all night till I woke it up:)

D1X 600m 1/1000 f7.1 iso 400

Danny J Brown
07-17-2010, 05:08 PM
What the &^$ is a honey badger? I'll never know all of the different animals that are photographed by BPNrs. Great story Peter. Did the honey badger survive the attack? I bet you didn't do that much "sleeping" outside the tent. I like the image, even though it is obvious that you were working in challenging light conditions. It has a compelling monochromatic quality. I like the way the critter's tail is sticking up....probably on alert. Good job.


Marc Mol
07-17-2010, 06:19 PM
Great story and magic sidelit image Peter with monochromatic tone! Most of my HB images are fleeting or running away.:o

What the &^$ is a honey badger? I'll never know all of the different animals that are photographed by BPNrs. DB

One of the toughest of ALL mammals on the African plains if not the planet Danny.
There have been many stories of it's fierce resilence and tenacity with these guys even willing to take on Lions!
Something equivalent to your Wolverine!

Alfred Forns
07-17-2010, 09:29 PM
Hi Peter Must have been exciting !!!! Like the mood and peculiar framing, very effective Would take a little form the bottom Did well with the light, right side has just the right amount of detail and a great pose !! ... plus you get a good look at those claws .. does look like a tough critter !!!

Ken Watkins
07-17-2010, 11:45 PM

Honey Badger sightings are relatively few and photographic opportunities fewer still. (The Honey Badger is nocturnal, although sometimes seen in daylight)

This is a very interesting outcome, I like it a lot.

For those wanting to know more about Honey badgers may I suggest the documentary "Snake Killers", the best "real" African wild life film of the past 10 years.

Or you could have a look at my wifes video on You Tube


Hilary Hann
07-17-2010, 11:56 PM
Peter, what a fantastic experience and my sympathies for missing the shot … totally understandable. Think that the image outcome really suits the animal … a ballsy photo with 'tude!!! :cool:

Ken is right about the doco "Snake Killers", very good. There is also a doco called "The Meanest Animal In the World", not shown on TV but available on disk which is also very good. Set in Tsavo in Kenya. I believe you are more likely to see Honey Badgers in Southern Africa … I've never been lucky enough to see them in the East. :(

Steve Kaluski
07-18-2010, 12:32 AM
Hi Peter last trip in Savute we saw three at night, so seeing this brought back memories, but at least you got a shot, so nice one. The following morning we came across one from the previous night, which, as Ken said, is unusual during the day. As we drove along it attacked the tyres of the jeep, so are they tough cookies, oh yes!!!

A good record shot Peter, remind me not to go camping with you. :D


Morkel Erasmus
07-18-2010, 08:17 AM
nice shot in the open Peter - have had a few opps in the Kgalagadi but none in this great light and setting. condolences for missing the shot - we've all been there!

Danny - the honey badger will have 3 wolverines for breakfast and then go out and seek more for lunch :)
Not that big of a carnivore actually, but super tough and fearless...

Marc Mol
07-18-2010, 08:51 AM
Danny - the honey badger will have 3 wolverines for breakfast and then go out and seek more for lunch :)
Correct Morkel, it was just a comparison that Danny could perhaps relate to.

Morkel Erasmus
07-18-2010, 09:19 AM
Correct Morkel, it was just a comparison that Danny could perhaps relate to.

all in good fun Marc :)
if you had compared it with a Tasmanian Devil we would have had it on! :) ;)

peter delaney
07-18-2010, 01:28 PM
Hi Guys,
Danny , honeybager kicks a##...very few animals willd dare take him on... this image I have posted is a sub adult leopard , recently parted from its mother, this is very difficult time for these animals, some do not survive this period often starving to death. They are very inexperienced hence taking on the HB , which saw it off it quite easily . After this she chased two jackal who also saw her off..then she came to my tent.....she probably hung around the camping areas looking for scraps.. sometimes "silly" visitors feed the animals thinking they are helping .. but recently due to this feeding of animals "troublsome hyena" at a particular camp had to be dealt with!!
Ken, agree about snake killers.... excellent documentary..in fact it was in this area where this image was shot... yes they are nocturnal, but in winter time they are more Diurnal... as the temperature is cool, and their prey is less , so foraging takes longer as they have to cover huge home ranges...

thanks for symphaties... Hillary:)

Steve , you can come camping anytime with me, promise I will look after you..;)

Morkel, Marc think the Tasie and HB would be evenly match for agression!

Peter den Hartog
07-19-2010, 01:48 PM
Awesome story Peter.

I've never had the pleasure of even seeing one while in Southern Africa, so this story makes me almost sick of jealousy ;D hahaha

Having a leopard and a honey badger in the same shot is fairly unique.. and a precious memory

Hilary Hann
07-19-2010, 05:06 PM
Interesting by note to this thread .... honeybadger killed by leopard at Sarara, Mathews Ranges, Kenya, 9th July.