View Full Version : Yellow Throated Longclaw

Terry Hann
07-13-2010, 02:36 AM
This is my first post. Photographed at Lewa, Kenya in 2008. Canon 20D 70-200 f2.8 at 200 Manual exposure 1/2000 @ f5.6 ISO 400

Lance Peters
07-13-2010, 03:05 AM
Hi Terry - big warm welcome to BPN - do not hesitate to jump right in and leave comments on other peoples images - no better or faster way to improve your own images, all we ask is that you say what it is you like or dont like about the image.
Nice first post - I will reserve my comments until others have had a chance to comment - will be back :)

John Platt
07-13-2010, 03:16 AM
Terry -

I like it very much, good HA, nice exposure and good crop. I see some noise in the background, it could be reduced if you choose to run a NR program and perhaps the sharpening could be turned down some, but again that is personal taste.

Nice shot.

07-13-2010, 08:05 AM
The only thing I would say about this is there seems to be too much room at the top and pic could been moved a little bit more to the left, not centering the bird. Like the shot alot.

Bill Dix
07-13-2010, 08:49 AM
Welcome Terry! You've come to the right place. Good first post and lovely bird. I agree with previous comments about the crop and the noise in the bg. I might add that the focus point appears to be somewhere down around the tail or the foliage rather than the eye, which would be better but not always easy. Looking forward to more Kenya birds!

Glenda Simmons
07-13-2010, 08:58 AM
Welcome! A mighty fine first post. I really like the natural habitat perch. My eye is drawn to the pretty bird. Noise is not an issue with me, at all. I agree that the eyes appear to not be the main focus point, and a little could be cropped from the top, but I really like your image. I love seeing pretty birds, that I would otherwise not have a chance to see, so bring them on!:D

Dave Mills
07-13-2010, 03:09 PM
Hi Terry, I also welcome you to the forum. Nice subject with well muted backround. Agree with some of the comments made above pertaining to cropping some off the top and the focus point. I would also shoot at 5.6 or F8 since in this case your speed was 1/2000. It would have given you more DOF and might have carried more sharpness to the head area....

Lance Peters
07-13-2010, 04:44 PM
Hi Terry - agree with all of the above points - stopping down a bit would have helped with the DOF - had SS to burn and would not have made that much difference to the BG.
Keep em coming :)

Harold Davis
07-13-2010, 04:48 PM
too centered was my first thought. better to move the bird a little more to the left of the frame to give it more room to look into. still a great first post and welcome to BPN!!! looking forward to more!!!

Terry Hann
07-14-2010, 05:35 AM
Thanks for your suggestions. I find it amazing what I don't see until someone points it out, then it becomes obvious.