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View Full Version : Giraffe-Dunescape

Morkel Erasmus
07-05-2010, 01:39 AM
One morning during our recent trip to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa we came across a large journey of giraffe grazing on the red dunes. The journey was about 14 strong. Giraffe had historically occurred here but were hunted out even before the National Park was declared. They were reintroduced a few years ago and are flourishing.

Just loved the overall scene here and the myriad of colours that is so typical of the Kalahari desert. 1000px doesn't really do this scene justice.

Canon 7D with 100-400mm L IS USM @ 100mm
f11 @ 1/500 SS @ ISO-400
Exp +0.3

Alfred Forns
07-05-2010, 10:06 AM
I know what you are talking about the larger size Morkel, for this would make a difference !!!

Wold try some selective dodging or selective shadow/highlight on the animals to bring out detail (on some) Have been using it in PS5 with great results, seems to work different than other versions !!!

Daniel Cadieux
07-05-2010, 02:58 PM
Nice scene you witnessed here...and what a great look at their habitat. I'm glad the re-introduction of the giraffes in this area is working well. Good suggestion by Al, and although it would be tough to get good HAs on each individual I do wish you had more than just one with a good one. I'm wondering if cropping away about 1/3 off the sky would work well?

Stu Bowie
07-05-2010, 11:46 PM
I like the overall habitat, and would leave the sky. Glad to hear they are getting their numbers back.

Morkel Erasmus
07-07-2010, 11:33 PM
thanks Stu, Al & Daniel...will leave the sky as is as the layers are on third power lines now :)