View Full Version : Lioness

Dumay de Boulle
06-29-2010, 02:11 PM
I was in the Kruger National Park on the 19 Jan 2010. I was driving along a sand road from Skukuza to Lower Sabie. I was driving towards the sun when I noticed a Lilac breasted roller next to the road. To improve my light situation I turned around to get better light. I was about to start photographing the Roller when noticed a Bateleur (large colorful Raptor) about a 100 feet further on in the direction had had just come from. I moved in and settled to take some shots of the Bateleur. After a few snaps I heard a crunching sound to the left of my vehicle. I looked and couldnt see anything. I went back to taking pics of the Raptor. Again I heard the sound of crunching, once more I looked and this time saw a bit of movement, but could not see what it was, then about 5 seconds later I heard a Male Lion roaring not far away, I began to wonder if this might be a lion...Then she stood up and walked in the direction of the roar, the same direction I had already come from. I followed and passed her to get this image. I then continued to follow her for another 50 feet or so, and then a pride of 15 strong (6 females, 9 cubs) walked through the bush in front of my vehicle. You can imagine my excitement. It was a very brief sighting as they crossed in front of my vehicle and disappeared into the thick lush bush. I then returned to the raptor and continued taking pics hoping that the males would not be far behind...about 5 min later, there they were, 2 massively impressive specimens. Again it was a very brief sighting, but for me fantastic. I continued to photograph the Raptor, but eventually it flew off. So I decided to turn around and head back in the original direction I was heading. About half a mile down the road....there they were, the entire pride of 17 Kruger Lions...I got follow them for about an 45 min and knock off some images...guess what not any were really good enough, but what an amazing sighting. Sometimes it not always about the photographs, but the experience.....If it wasnt for that little roller, I would have missed the whole thing.

Canon 7D
Canon 70-200 f2.8 L IS @200mm
RAW processed in CS5

Steve Kaluski
06-29-2010, 04:24 PM
Hi Dumay, firstly, the accompanying text is really good and a pleasure to read.

Secondly and more importantly, it shows your maturity in photography for me.

Sometimes it not always about the photographs, but the experience.....If it wasnt for that little roller, I would have missed the whole thing.

So many people get wound up about getting the shot, but as I have said before, sometimes it is good to put the camera down and just watch and enjoy, so big Congrats on that (if I may use that phrase Al) :)

Now the image, being on the road doesn't worry me because it is in the right context, but may worry others. I like the comp and for me it works. The bush in the BG running through the Lioness is just about there, any higher and it would cut through the head and not be ideal. The turned head, open mouth, raised paw all work too, to give a pleasing image IMHO.

My only reservation is the 7D and I am not sold on it, the images look slightly 'crunchy' a difficult expression to clarify, but all images I have seen all have this and I am not sure what it is? Al do you know what I mean? However this is a personal thing and should not detract from a good image.:):):)

Thanks again Dumay.
Steve ;)

Steve Kaluski
06-29-2010, 04:29 PM
Sorry, meant to add.

'Not sure if it's down to ISO, processing or just the RAW file it produces?'

Alfred Forns
06-29-2010, 04:59 PM
Like the pose setting and overall image Do have to agree with Steve about the appearance? Do not think its typical of the 7D file. Might want to post the image just converted without manipulation?

Was looking for wildlife files but the 7D was not out when I was in Yellowstone last Xmas !!

Morkel Erasmus
06-30-2010, 01:56 AM
it's always awesome to have nice Kruger sighting all on your own...even if the photographic opportunities aren't always spectacular in thick bush. thanks for sharing the story.

the image looks fine to me Steve - maybe it just needs another round of NR on the BG, but the lioness is nice and crisp to me. I don't have stacks of images from e.g. a 1Dmk3 to compare my 7D images to. Dumay has recently acquired a 1Dmk3 and I would love to hear what he thinks?

I like her pose and the light on her as well.

Dumay de Boulle
06-30-2010, 02:23 AM
Thanks Steve, For me its about the experiences.,the photography is a bonus.....I must be honest...this was the first week and outing I had with the 7D. I feel now I am getting much better images with my 7D, I have just acquired a a 1DMK3 and can honestly say the AF on the 7D is better and more accurate. IQ wise I cannot really tell much of a difference maybe a slight advantage to the 1DMK3 and the 7D handles higher ISO better than the 1DMK3.

I dont feel this IQ is perfect, and I didnt have the AF system set up correctly, but I do know the 7D can do better. I just ,at the moment dont have much opportunity to get out and take SA wildlife (That will be changing soon) so I was just trying to find the best of what I have wildlife wise and post something:o

Harshad Barve
07-02-2010, 11:09 PM
I liked this image as posted

Sometimes it not always about the photographs, but the experience.....

I am with you on this