View Full Version : Lazuli Bunting

Joerg Rockenberger
05-20-2010, 11:35 PM
Saw that species for the first time last weekend but proved to be difficult to photograph as it reliably - and I am convinced purposefully - positioned itself between me and the sun. This is one of the only shots were I got at least some side lighting...

Looking forward to your C&C. Thanks, JR

Canon 40D, 500F4IS, 1.4 TC, 700 mm, 1/1000s, F7.1, ISO 400, Manual Exposure, Gitzo Tripod w/ Mongoose Head

Daniel Cadieux
05-21-2010, 09:53 AM
Well there you go, your persistance paid off! Good pose. The side lighting works well, but feel it is too light. I'd tone down the exposure some, and also find the subject a bit tight in the frame (but well composed). Nice fresh perch, and I like the dark BG. I'd consider cloning out the stuff in LRC.

05-21-2010, 06:41 PM
Nicely done, Joerg. Great exposure despite a dark background.


Joerg Rockenberger
05-21-2010, 09:34 PM
Thank you both for the feedback. The dark background was provided by some distant trees in a gulch.

Need to figure out why my recent pictures tend to be too bright...