View Full Version : Light-vented Bulbul

Joerg Rockenberger
05-16-2010, 11:32 PM
Photographed a few weeks ago at the Botanical Garden in Taipei, TW.

Thanks in advance. JR

Canon 40D, 400F5.6, 1/1000s, F5.6, ISO 400, Manual Exposure, Handheld

Axel Hildebrandt
05-17-2010, 07:57 AM
Sharpness, light and angle look very good, the bee (?) adds to it. I might tone down the whites on the head a bit and wish there more eye contact. Do you have one in this series with the bird's head turned a bit more to the right? I might desaturate the blossoms a bit.

Daniel Cadieux
05-17-2010, 08:03 AM
Nice subject and beautiful BG. I too wish for LESS of a head turn, and find the perch obstructs too much of the bird's body. Good colours throughout...

Joerg Rockenberger
05-17-2010, 07:33 PM
Thank you both again for taking the time to comment. I guess it's not just a coincidence that Alex's concerns re the whites in my recent images started about the same time that I started using ACR for processing...

They are not "blinking" in PS or ACR but perhaps I should adjust the warning limits if that's possible. Do you know? Just to clarify where I am coming from it was possible in DPP to specify that the blinkies started e.g. at 250 instead of 254 etc.

The reds in the petals though were blown in the camera. Didn't get yet to the point in learning ACR/PS to selectively desaturate certain colors in selected areas in an image. Will get there.

One thing I was wondering about in this image is if it is too contrasty. But I guess neither of you were concerned in this regard.

Again thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. JR