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View Full Version : dunescape

peter delaney
05-15-2010, 05:02 PM
colour version of a previous b&w...

d3 50mm 1.4 1/250 @f8 iso 200 .. hand held

Dave Mills
05-16-2010, 09:19 AM
Hi Peter, I like your comp very much. The top of the dune acts as a leading like bringing you through the image. I also like your choice of ratio between sky and dunes.
I felt the image needed more light on the dunes since it seemed very dark to me.In this case it is totally subjective since one might want that very dark and somber mood. It's simply another alternative.
I also go back and forth about the blue sky and feel the color might be toned down a bit...(on my repost I'm referring too)

Roman Kurywczak
05-16-2010, 10:19 AM
Hey Peter,
I was going to recommend even more of a apno crop....off the bottom....until I saw Dave's re-post. For my tastes.....that is the way to go....even if it does change the mood somewhat......I think the B&W conveyed the stormy mood better than the color version.....the repost strikes a better balnce in the color version. As always, very nice job composing this!

peter delaney
05-16-2010, 12:17 PM
thank Dave and Roman.. always appreciate your input, I have to say that I love to create mood in my images regardless of genre...
Dave , I like your repost can understand your train of thought, but for me it changes the mood too much and loose the impact of the highlights on the tops of the dune..but saying that i prefaer your sky to mine.
thanks always look forward to both your input... has helped me alot...


ken dyball
06-04-2010, 10:31 PM
Yep i agree with you Pete, it is so easy to loose the mood in a image by lightning, your original does it for me, not sure about the sky though, put Daves sky on your dunes!!
Cheers, Ken

peter delaney
06-05-2010, 01:18 PM
thanks ken, appreciate the feedback,
i ended up using Daves sky and my dune in a competition, very happy as it reached the final round... so big thanks to Dave..:):)