View Full Version : When birdphotographers can make a difference

Gyorgy Szimuly
05-11-2010, 12:02 PM
Dear Friends and Future Friends,

I am proud to announce the launch of the Breeding Shorebird Mapping Project at WorldWaders (http://www.worldwaders.org/).
Announcement has been published in the brand new WorldWaders Posterous news blog (http://worldwaders.posterous.com/data-submission-for-breeding-shorebird-mappin#). Please, help us to reach the target. Bird photographers spend a lots of time in the field and find so many nesting birds. Please add you records. :)

Should you have any question find me by eMail, skype or on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/Szimi?ref=ts).

Please help to reach as many of your friends as possible.

Cheers, Szimi