View Full Version : Tricolor Screaming at Nest

Charles Wesley
04-19-2010, 11:04 AM
Caught this tricolor last year making a big screeching noise while at the nest. Taken from the boardwalk at Alligator Farm. Had to get in closer than I thought was possible to deal with BG issues. Sorry for all the twigs and leaves. This can be an issue at this site. At least I got an open bill opportunity.

Canon 5D, EF 500 mm. f/4.0 IS L, Canon 12 mm. ext. tube, Better Beamer with 550 EX flash and Bogen tripod with Wimberley mount.
My exposure was 1/125 sec. @ f/5.6 ISO 400.

Canon D.P.P.
Charlie Wesley
St Augustine Beach, FL
http://naturesphotographs.com (http://naturesphotographs.com/)

Don Lacy
04-19-2010, 12:26 PM
Hi Charlie, Nice breeding colors on this guy and pose with the open beak. I think I would lighten the area around the eye to better hold the viewers eye.

Michel Pilon
04-19-2010, 02:13 PM
Hello Charles,

I really like this shot! You managed greatly the exposition and did well with the compo, anchoring the bird within the lower right corner. The warm green of the vegetation contrasts well with the cold colors of the heron. Of course, having it screeching is a big plus bringing dynamism to the photo.

Great shot!
