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Julie Kenward
04-01-2010, 07:56 PM
Or Charissa or Don or any of the rest of you that take these amazing bug photos but...when a lady photography gets a captive spider in her kitchen sink she does what any lady photographer does...breaks out the macro lens! ;)

No spider was harmed in the shooting of this image. He did get a bit discouraged when he couldn't get up the sides of the sink on his own but I did eventually use the "Julie Kenward Bug Removal" system (a.k.a. a small jelly jar to scoop him up and a piece of junk mail to cover the glass until he was safely OUTSIDE again) to rid myself of his presence when I was done with him. :)

Canon 40D, EF 100mm f/2.8 macro & 20mm extension tube
f5 @ 1/60th, ISO 400
Pattern metering, manual mode, flash fired (that sink was dark!)

Barbara Kile
04-01-2010, 09:12 PM
Too funny, Jules! Your bug removal system sounds perfect. It looks like you textured him, but I'm guessing you have a stainless steel sink? :D

You are brave and captured some good details in the little guy!

Ken Childs
04-02-2010, 07:15 AM
What a brave lady photographer you are! :D

Vida van der Walt
04-02-2010, 10:05 AM
:D Thank goodness for that too Jules. Just think how terrible you flower shots would look if you were me.;):) I see that you are quite capable of taking a good spider shot. I also see that you keep a clean kitchen (no evidence of any dirty dishes).:D I am glad you didn't kill the little fellow and also use the same method for taking the spiders outside. I must confess that there is one spider I do kill when I find it in my house and that is a sac spider. They are responsible for about 80% of the venomous spider bites in my country.

Julie Kenward
04-02-2010, 10:12 AM
Vida, I did clone out a piece or two of leftovers. :D I figured I can save the image and extract him later for a scary halloween image. ;) And I don't blame you one bit about killing the poisonous ones...I certainly would, too!

Vida van der Walt
04-02-2010, 10:42 AM
I'm glad to hear about the leftovers Jules. Now I don't feel so bad. You know how it is, so little time, so many things to photograph.:)

Anita Bower
04-02-2010, 12:07 PM
Way to go, Jules. I don't mind spiders, and let them live in my basement and odd corners of my house, but, I don't photograph them, and I use your method of moving them outdoors.

Re clean sinks--my broken wrist still excuses me from washing dishes (no dishwasher)--my husband is really good at it. :)

Jerry van Dijk
04-02-2010, 03:25 PM
That's the spirit! You could have transferred it to some nice flower and photographed it again. I know Vida moves her bugs all around to get gorgeous perches and BG's ;)!

Julie Kenward
04-02-2010, 04:49 PM
I suppose I could have, Jerry, but didn't think he'd look all that good on my new orchids and they were the only thing blooming the other day. Today we have daffodils!