View Full Version : Lion Cubs Playing Around

Ed Cordes
03-28-2010, 04:47 PM
This image was made in the Ngorongoro Crater. The Cubs were having a great time and we did too watching them. This was done late in the day with failing light thus the high ISO when we really should have been leaving the Crater - you have to be out by 6:30 PM!

1DMK4 with 300 F4. Evaluative metering at ISO 3200 with EV + 2/3 and F4 with 1/1250. Noiseware at default settings was applied. I did clip the tail on the right with the tip curving around to show just a bit so I cloned the tip out. Cropped from top for comp, but full horizontal frame. Processed in LR and CS4.

I was tempted to add canvas to the left, but decided against it as I am on a minimal Photoshop kick. I am really trying to get it right in camera and do as little digital manipulation as possible.

Thanks for looking. C&C welcome as always.

Sabyasachi Patra
03-28-2010, 11:13 PM
Lovely interaction captured. Nice timing to get the open mouth of the fellow at right. I would say it is a big plus. Eye contact with the one facing us is also good. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to more from the series.


Morkel Erasmus
03-29-2010, 06:59 AM
lovely IQ and techs and a place I am yearning to visit! don't mind the tail as the action is central and keeps the focus.

Alfred Forns
03-29-2010, 08:13 AM
Hi Ed Love the interaction and light, camera performs well at the high ISO !!

Understand what your trying to do getting the image out of the camera and think its a great idea. Would going at it with a different lens. Tough to accomplish when you can't move around, might go for a 100-400 !!! Having the little room for the left tail and right all in would have been great !! Do like the image a lot !!!

Ed Cordes
03-29-2010, 09:10 AM
Hi Ed Love the interaction and light, camera performs well at the high ISO !!

Understand what your trying to do getting the image out of the camera and think its a great idea. Would going at it with a different lens. Tough to accomplish when you can't move around, might go for a 100-400 !!! Having the little room for the left tail and right all in would have been great !! Do like the image a lot !!!

Thanks for the comment Alfred. The 100-400 would have been great, but it was glued to Gail's camera ;) When Canon comes out with a new version might be time to get it and keep the old one!!:)

RE the MK4, I am thrilled with it. High ISO is super. What ever noise is there is easily controlled with Noiseware. I have found the AF to be great. I mostly used center point with surrounding assist points.

Alfred Forns
03-29-2010, 10:28 AM
Glad is working out for you Ed, I'm the same !!! btw have been liking the 7D a lot just not in the same league with the ISO but plenty good !!!

Steve Kaluski
03-29-2010, 01:49 PM
Al, this is where I feel Canon do need to bring out a 200-400 zoom, it would solve so many issues and ensure shots like this are spot on.

Ed, playing or not, I certainly would not like to be on the receiving end of those teeth:D If the image incorporated the rh tail then this would have been a cracking image, especially at ISO 3200.


Hendri Venter
03-30-2010, 04:01 AM
Lovely image Ed. Lovely interaction and moment well captured. I like the soft light.

Austin Thomas
03-30-2010, 07:21 AM
I like the action here Ed. Looking at the fur it is not the first time they have taken chunks out of each other.



Stu Bowie
03-30-2010, 01:37 PM
The softer light works well here, and well timed to capture the moment. Love the intense look of the lion on the left.