View Full Version : Crowned Crane

Ed Cordes
03-27-2010, 05:59 PM
<TABLE class=ic_text width="100%" bgColor=#efefef><TBODY><TR><TD>Crowned Cranes are among my favorites. While this was back lit a bit I like the way the lighting shows up the "crown".

1D MK4 with 300 F4. Evaluative metering at ISO 100 with EV + 2/3 and F 5.6 with 1/320. Cropped a bit. Processed in LR and CS4.

Thanks for looking. C&C welcome. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Robert O'Toole
03-27-2010, 09:14 PM
Great subject and nice framing, good job on the challenging side/back light. Yes the crown does light up nicely.

I would run NR on the BG, there is some noise and the bokeh looks like you used a extender almost.


Doug Brown
03-28-2010, 08:43 AM
Good-looking bird with a great pose. Agree about the NR. I tend to avoid ISO 100 and 200 entirely when photographing birds with a camera as capable as the Mark IV. The extra shutter speed and DOF that you get can really improve your images.

Roman Kurywczak
03-28-2010, 03:26 PM
Hey Ed,
They were one of my fav's too! Does appear to need noise reduction....but at ISO 100?.....may have been introduced in pp'ing.