View Full Version : Weekly Theme: Go for Liftoff

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
03-18-2010, 08:14 PM

Painting with filters, layer blending, I think color burn left the largest impression on this one, tried to bring out the color contrast between the burnt orange in the brown feathers and the reflected sky blues in the white feathers.

Thanks for looking...



denise ippolito
03-18-2010, 11:21 PM
Michael, Very unique look. I like the colors. Nice details in the feathers. I might tone down some of the brites a touch.

Julie Kenward
03-20-2010, 07:46 AM
I really like this unusual technique and the composition. I do wish you had a little sliver more room at both the top (above the eye) and the bottom (where his claws got cut off) but I still really like the unusual angles.

Something else that would have made this even stronger would be to have stopped down the aperture a bit more so the head was sharper in focus. Still, it's a neat image and one I probably would never have thought to create.

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
03-20-2010, 12:50 PM

Greetings. Thanks much for the comment. The brights are at 230, so what you're seeing is contrast... oh, there was some luminance compression in a layer or two that took out some of the detail along the bright areas... thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Looking at this more the bright section of the far wing should definitely be brought down.


Greetings. You're right a dash more room on the bottom for the claw, I hesitate on the top, though (for my taste). My head was somewhere strange on the camera settings that day (this shot was 1/8000 f/4 ISO2200 :eek: ), I have a feeling I was in a mood to test out the highest shutter speeds I could get. Certainly froze the action ;) ... (but the choice for this image for me was the feather texture, pattern and color along the closer wing, should continue through the back and tail but that part needs work as does the bright section of the back wing... the head and far wing are intended as conceptual shadows).

Thank you, Denise & Julie, for commenting... I think I'll work up another version (a bit more care here and there).

