View Full Version : Another Gila Challenge

Gus Hallgren
03-16-2010, 08:35 PM
Hi Folks

Took this original photo in our garden a week ago, and posted the results as an oil painting, A painting hides a multitude of sins :D

CC's warmly invited

Uncle Gus

Here are the specs on the original. Wish I had Al's tip then of using a higher ISO becasuse it worked much better on the Diving Gila

Olympus E-620(Never had IS turned on) Zuiko 70-300 @ 450 mm equiv
Shutter Priority: 1/1250s, F/5.6, ISO 200, 0.70eV, Auto WB

Gus Hallgren
03-16-2010, 08:40 PM
This is what I came up with after Fabs suggested I rebuild part of missing wing.

Redo using CS4

CC's warmly invited

Uncle Gus

Jeff Cashdollar
03-16-2010, 09:25 PM
Gus your PS skills are improving and Fabs knows her stuff. Might be a tad sharp for my taste let's see what others say. As always TFS and looks like you are seeing many visitors in early spring:).

ps - yes, get that ISO up especially for BIF action, 400 would have given you another stop of light to bump up the shutter.

Lance Peters
03-17-2010, 02:46 AM
Hi Gus - thats some heavy duty P.S work - Jeff has a good point about raising the ISO - could have used the extra SS.
Looking forward to more of your creations :)

Dave Mills
03-17-2010, 09:03 AM
Hi Gus, Great job on moving,creating a wing and lightening. Does look oversharpened due to noise in the bottom portion of the large wing...

Alfred Forns
03-17-2010, 06:13 PM
Nice creation Gus !!! Agree with Dave on the sharpening, could just sharpen in a layer and reduce the effect for the wing !!!