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View Full Version : tree in autumn-30/9/07 Pco Nazionale Abruzzo

Valerio Tarone
02-24-2008, 05:46 AM
Al As you know I'm trying to larn to use slow times to have some 'art composition'. Thank for the past comments.

George DeCamp
02-24-2008, 08:50 PM
If Monet was a photographer I bet this is what his style would look like.:)

Robert Amoruso
02-25-2008, 12:26 PM
Good observation George.

Valerio, I think this is a very unique image. I would suggest you try presenting this in a number of different ways besides how you did it here - which by the way is great.

Go for more saturation, more contrast and more sharpening. Mix and match all three. I do this a lot with my blurred images to try out different looks as no one way is right and sometimes you hit upon something you like even more.

Well done and thanks for posting.

Valerio Tarone
02-25-2008, 04:13 PM
Thank you Robert, Inow use digital camera, not yet three years ago. I'llpost a landscape in counterlight (exact or not?) and I like your comments, because it's a place where I go every year in June, in the Alps. Valerio