View Full Version : Blue Tit

Jonathan Ashton
01-26-2010, 12:33 PM
Canon 20D Canon 100-400 L IS @ 400mm Tripod ISO 400 -1/3 1/400 sec f 5.6

I have been having problems with the lens - I took it back for repair 4 times due to unsharp images, I took this image from the hide at the same distance I would have used a 500mm so the image is cropped somewhat. nevertheless I thought it looked pretty reasonable, all comments welcome.

John Chardine
01-26-2010, 12:58 PM
Looks pretty good to me Jonathan. The BG, pose and lookback are very nice. I like the perch but I'd crop the image so that the LL portion of the perch is out of the picture. I would lighten a little and give a boost to saturation. One more round of sharpening will do it. Very nice, and one of my favourite birds!

BTW, I used to own this lens and I think you will get better results at 400mm if you stop down a little.

Callie de Wet
01-26-2010, 01:43 PM
Lovely picture, O/A, agree with John re cropping. One of the first UK birdies I managed to shoot in the wild!

Juan Carlos Vindas
01-26-2010, 06:03 PM
I like it! sharpness seems fine to me. I would only selectively sharpen the eye and beak a tad more.
Some noise on BG is evident. I like the perch with all that lichens.