View Full Version : Tui

Martin Wallis
01-09-2010, 05:08 PM
I always have problems getting details in the blacks and dark areas on these birds, but if I add exposure the lighter areas are rendered too light. Already the light brown on the back of this bird is lighter than what you see with the naked eye. Any advice?
100-400mm L lens
canon 40D
ISO 320
Av f8
SS 1/500

Randy Stout
01-09-2010, 09:17 PM

This is a new one for me. I like the various textures and colours in the plumage.
The head angle is just a bit away, but close. You might try to tone down the specular highlights in the background.

In regard to your exposure question, there is no perfect solution since our cameras, although getting better, still don't have the same dynamic range as the human eye.

The traditional approach is to expose for the whites, push the histogram all the way to the right without getting more than just a few blinkies, and then handle the darker areas in post.

Shooting with softer light helps, as can a bit of fill flash when possible, to reduce the dynamic range of the scene.

Thanks for sharing, hope to see more from New Zealand.



Martin Wallis
01-09-2010, 09:25 PM
Thanks for that Randy, I'm not all that clued up with digital processing. I use LR2. Do you know how I could use that to tone down those specular highlights? As well, I think fill flash would most likely be the answer here but this was one of those out of the blue moments and I wasn't prepared. Thanks for your indepth answer.

Tony Whitehead
01-09-2010, 10:46 PM
Nice to see NZ birds, Martin. Good advice from Randy. Tuis are a challenge. Diffused daylight is best - usually some -EC to protect the whites and some fill flash to reduce the contrast ratio. Exposure info on this one is an example http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=49272 . Cranking up recovery in LR2 is the best option to try and recover highlights.

Martin Wallis
01-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Hi Tony, thanks for your advice. I'll have a look at that link now. BTW, love your pukeko shot from the other day. I thought I had some ok ones, now I realise I don't:D