View Full Version : Young Hawk

Light Ska Iktomi
01-09-2010, 01:23 AM
<label>Model:</label> COOLPIX P90
<label>Shutter Speed:</label> 10/3568 second
<label>Aperture:</label> F/5.6
<label>Focal Length:</label> 155 mm
<label>ISO Speed:</label> 64

I really love taking pics of this particular hawk....i travel the same roads and he is almost always in the same spots


Duane Noblick
01-09-2010, 06:37 AM
I'm going to point out the first thing that came to mind when I viewed this image...the crop is a bit tight (tail cut off) (if this is full framed then congratulations for getting so close and ignore the crop comment), the whites are a bit hot on the chest, the BG is busy and it looks like it could use another round of sharpening.

That being said....congratulations for finding such a cooperative/beautiful subject. Red-tailed Hawks are my favorite bird of prey and I don't care what anyone says about one of my images of one..I will never pass up on a photo opportunity no matter the circumstances.

I absolutely love the head turn it offered you in this photo. ;)

Light Ska Iktomi
01-09-2010, 09:13 AM
it is a full frame...and i was that close..it always just makes me giggle when he lets me get this close..i take a lot of pictures of the redtails...there are so many here but this one is special! and i never pass up a hawk either...thank you so much for the comment...i appreciate it very much!