View Full Version : Dark on Dark

Steve Canuel
01-03-2010, 01:04 PM
BG was an iced over lake in shadow but I liked how the last bit of sun illuminated the bird. I had both blown highlites and shadows in the original RAW but managed to get most of them under control in PP. BG was originally closer to a bluish gray (some lighter parts still slightly visible) but I liked the look of it being darker. Opinions welcome. 40D, 400DO + 2xTC, f10, 1/200s, ISO 800, -1/3 EC, tripod mount, full frame.

David Fletcher
01-03-2010, 01:44 PM
Think you've done a good job on the processing Steve. Details are very good.

Arthur Morris
01-03-2010, 04:21 PM
The black on black effect is wonderful but there are serious problem with ghosting as a result of however you selected the BKGR. There are lighter black halos around the head, the back, the bill, the feet, and more... I am notorious for never seeing halos so if I see them, you have troubles.... :)

John Ippolito
01-03-2010, 06:25 PM
Excellent detail in the blacks, Steve. I also like the black BG. Art, I must admit that I do not see the halos even when I zoom in which I thought would make them stand out even more. Maybe I need to recalibrate. Could be my monitor or me. Intersested to see what others say.

Arthur Morris
01-03-2010, 06:52 PM
Hey John, I was on the other end of this discussion earlier today :) Here I can see the problems naked eye looking at the JPEG and it is more pronounced when I save and open the JPEG and zoom in on it.

Steve Canuel
01-03-2010, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the look and comments. The BG had some areas that were a little lighter than others (including the area behind the bird). I darkened the BG but did not try to make it all the same tone. I do see some blur haloing around the perch near the left foot and on the back just behind the head. More noticeable when viewed off center. Here's the jpeg conversion from RAW to show the variations in tone of the BG. I did all the other stuff (darkening, color, NR, sharpening) in PSE 3. Probably should've took a bit more time to tinker before posting but I was more interested in how the black on black, sunlit bird thing looked.

Duane Noblick
01-03-2010, 08:04 PM
I see the halos as mentioned but I do like the effect the light did with this image. Nice and sharp as well.

Arthur Morris
01-03-2010, 08:25 PM
Just take a look at the bird's back (blown up a bit) in the original post and you will see some ugly stuff... As I said, whatever you used to make the selection was the problem as the edge of the back is totally blurred. And while I see the halo around the bill and the head in the OP, they are not present in the ORIG in Pane #6.

Just trying to help not to be a pain in the ....

Steve Canuel
01-03-2010, 08:32 PM
Just trying to help not to be a pain in the ....

Art, I didn't take it any other way. I appreciate the input.

Arthur Morris
01-03-2010, 09:22 PM
Thanks for understanding Steve. I think that there is an excellent image there. As I said, I love the concept.

Stu Bowie
01-04-2010, 01:01 AM
Hi Steve, great job on the exposure, and the bird certainly stands out against the darker BG. I like the pose, and the slight open beak adds to the image. Well captured.

John Ippolito
01-04-2010, 04:58 AM
Steve, Art, I am sitting at my monitor in the dark and I can finally see what you are discussing - more so if I view it off center. Again, I really like this image and the unique color aspect.

Steve Canuel
01-04-2010, 08:16 PM
Stuart, thanks for the comments

John, It gets more noticeable the more you look at it :). I may have to give this one a little more TLC some day. Thanks for the comments.