View Full Version : Carolina Wren

kenn threed
12-31-2009, 08:13 PM
Hi all,

We have several of these bold and boisterous little birds here, as a result of a prolific mating pair which has lived here for some years now. They're frenetically active and twitchy, and yet nearly tame at the same time. They greet us with their huge songs early each morning, and land on our hands to be first in line for breakfast mealworms. :)


This shot is late morning (9am) on an overcast day earlier this week. A bit under-exposed with levels adjusted in PS.
Canon S5-IS + 1.7xTC (570mm) Manual ISO100 F3.5 1/640

Any comment or critique will be appreciated.

Happy New Year to all!


Kenn & Temple
Backyard Birders in St.Louis, MO
Current Slideshow (http://kenn3d.smugmug.com/photos/swfpopup.mg?AlbumID=6975191&AlbumKey=qAczM)

Juan Carlos Vindas
12-31-2009, 09:10 PM
Hey Kenn & Temple if you are having problems by having many of these birds there, then you can send some down here! LOL!

Nice bird, killer BG, may be the bird not giving this head turn would be better, but well, since you have them there so tame you could try to get more.

Allen Sparks
12-31-2009, 09:12 PM
Hi Kenn, beautiful perch and background. lovely bird. just wish he gave you a better head tilt.

Peter Farrell
12-31-2009, 10:24 PM
Very nice, I like the head tilt, BG and perch. We have a lot of these in our backyard as well. They come in the garage when the door is open and sometimes spend the night in there. They build nests everywhere.
Happy New Year

Jeff Cashdollar
12-31-2009, 10:36 PM
Love the species and BG, maybe a tad less perch - well done

kenn threed
01-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks all for your comments,

I guess I still don't have a good feel for what head angles are best, and we get a fair number of comments both pro and con on our various perches. We do take a lot of shots of our Wrens tho... maybe some of you might tell me which of these perches and poses below strike you as best?

Peter - The wrens have nested under our deck and in our woodpile snags, flowerpots, etc. And they come in the garage and even in the house when we leave the windows open. Wonderfully bold little birds, with a voice ten times their size. We love them and wish everybody could have them. :)


Arthur Morris
01-01-2010, 03:15 PM

1- Visit the Head Angle Police Thread in the ER and study it.
2-Change out your perches on a regular basis.
3-If you are gonna keep using the same perch, wash away the whitewash and seeds every once in a while....

Arthur Morris
01-01-2010, 03:16 PM
On the image: it is still a bit dark and with the head turned too much towards you the iris needed to be much lighter as well.

Duane Noblick
01-01-2010, 05:35 PM

The head angle in this image is looking more down then towards the viewer....you want something more up and towards the right of the frame but yet not a profile shot.

Keep an open mind though.

kenn threed
01-01-2010, 06:29 PM

The head angle in this image is looking more down then towards the viewer....you want something more up and towards the right of the frame but yet not a profile shot.

Keep an open mind though.

Thanks Duane,

I think he looks kind of pensive (or perhaps even perturbed) in this shot... and I kind of liked the head angle. I believe he was in fact looking directly toward me wondering why I let the worm dish go empty.
