View Full Version : "The Giants Of Tula"

Gus Cobos
12-23-2009, 08:10 PM
“The Giants Of Tula”

Tula flourished for 250 years as capital of the fierce Toltec Empire and had as many as 60,000 inhabitants at its peak around 1100 A.D. The city rose to prominence after the mysterious fall of Teotihuacán, an immense city state to the south. Many theories have been advanced to explain Teotihuacán´s demise - attacks by hostile tribes, economic decline, and even ecological disasters - but no one knows for certain why the heart of Mesoamerican society for almost a millennium suddenly collapsed.

The city is dominated by its famous Atlantean Men, massive stone warriors that stand guard over the remains of this lost civilization.The 15-foot-high Toltec warriors are decked out in full battle dress. Pillbox-shaped helmets topped with Quetzal plumes perch on their heads. Stylized butterfly emblems adorn their chests and circular shields protect their backs. Each one clutches a quiver of spears in his left hand and an atlatl or "spear-thrower" in the other.

Whatever their origins, these giants rank among ancient Mexico´s most intriguing legacies. In bright sunlight, they are fresh-faced soldiers marching triumphantly off to battle, but when clouds hide the sun, they become brooding symbols of a mysterious, bloodthirsty regime. I highly recommend visiting these Giants of Mexico. :cool:

Alfred Forns
12-23-2009, 08:29 PM
They are impressive Gus !! Its interesting they have not been able to pin down the reason for their demise with so much physical evidence around !!!

Harshad Barve
12-23-2009, 11:33 PM
Beautiful image and nice info Gusbhai