View Full Version : Etosha Mud Puddle

12-17-2009, 04:16 PM
Dry season in Etosa Ntl PArk, Namibia . Zebra wading into muddy pool with no detectable clear water but drinking anyway.

Scanned Slide

Alfred Forns
12-17-2009, 05:45 PM
Hi Charles I like the animal in the water and partially covered by mud, does give a special feel !!

Not sure how it got there but there is a strong magenta cast over the image, try adding green and the cast will be gone !!! Might also take a bit from the top and add some at the left if you have it !!!

Sabyasachi Patra
12-19-2009, 03:22 AM
Hi Charles,
It is nice that you have got the zebra parallel to the sensor plane and the entire body is covered is in focus. I have seen elephants being the most fastidious about drinking fresh water. They also suffer if the water is contaminated. I have seen antelopes defecating in the water, but never tiger and elephants.

I agree with Alfred about the magenta cast and the space in front. At times during post processing while playing around with the white balance settings, this magenta cast can creep in. Thanks for sharing.
