View Full Version : San Jordi -Detail- Holy Family Church

Mirenchu Fernandez
12-04-2009, 08:34 AM
Patron Saint of Catalonia, in Barcelona, Saint George is everywhere, international knight-errant Saint George allegedly slew a dragon about to devour a beautiful princess south of Barcelona. From the dragon's blood sprouted a rosebush, from which the hero plucked the prettiest for the princess.
April 23rd, Saint George's day, "La Diada de Sant Jordi", Barcelona's Valentine's day is celebrated in Barcelona since the Middle Ages to honor chivalry and romantic love, a day for men to give their true loves roses.

Alfred Forns
12-04-2009, 12:00 PM
Well done Mirenchu Lots of details to do in the churches !!!

Gus Cobos
12-04-2009, 06:34 PM
I like this Lady Mirenchu,
The attention to details is superb...its well seen...:cool: