View Full Version : Pied Kingfisher

Steve Kaluski
11-26-2009, 06:47 AM
OK, first post in this section so it will be interesting see peoples thoughts on this, good or bad. Perhaps not the best to kick off with, but have got withdrawal symptoms, as I am out and about this week and felt the need to post:)

Taken on the way back to camp in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. These birds and the Malakite seem to be quite at ease to get quite close compare to the UK species. The 500mm lens for me is the workhorse and the majority of my work is taken using it, purely because of the diffused background you get with these lenses, likewise the 300 f2.8.

MKIII 500f/4 f7.1 1/640sec ISO 400 Beanbag

BTW This was also converted on a 'non-calibrated' laptop so it will be interesting to see how it compares to when I get back and view it on 'whopper'.:D

David Fletcher
11-26-2009, 07:39 AM
Brilliant comp and placement Steve. Likewise for me the 500 & 300 combo. :). Some whites hot which is gonna be the case due to light angle. (Not a critique as I like rim lighting, just letting u know I looked properly). :D. Like the use of space here. Nicely done.

Fabs Forns
11-26-2009, 10:58 AM
I like your composition and BG a lot. I think the use of fill flash would have been good for the whites and a catch light, given the back light.

Steve Kaluski
11-26-2009, 11:08 AM
Hi guys, thanks for the comments and David, appreciated that you took the time to 'look properly' :-)

Fabs (hope that's right) I totally agree about a flash & fill in, however I very rarely use a flash as I am very conscious of spooking the wildlife and perhaps some of my images have slightly suffered. Although there are some locations that I have been to that do not allow flash ie Galapagos islands.


Fabs Forns
11-26-2009, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the explanation, Steve. I hardy use flash myself, mainly for weight concerns :) but doing birds backlit would be the best moment to do it. Mammals resent flash more than birds.

Gerrie van Vuuren
11-26-2009, 10:23 PM
Like the pose, BG & composition.