View Full Version : reedbunting

Alexander Koenders
11-19-2009, 04:23 PM
With this bird i espacialy like the black and brown collered fathers.

Olympus E3, Zuiko Ed300 F2.8, Zuiko 2.0 converter, 600mm focuslength, f8, 1/800sec, ISO400, 0 stop

Dave Blinder
11-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Cool looking bird Alexander. Nice comp, HA, and exposure. Background reeds are slightly distracting to me, but not a big deal.

paul leverington
11-19-2009, 04:38 PM
Alexander I'm diggin this one with the sweet browns and bg. Great looking bird and head turn. Two things I'm thinking you might want to consider and those are to move him to center or add a bit of canvas to the left and remove those two parallel bg stalks to the lower left. That would be some work but those two are very powerful in distraction because they are bright and are diagonals. You might want to blur the one coming out of this head a tad also. Overall it's a fine shot and the bird is most interesting with those head markings for one who is used to only north american species.


Bill Dix
11-19-2009, 06:09 PM
Alexander: Lovely shot! The warm browns of the BG are a perfect compliment to the bird, and I love the diagonal perch. Feather detail is great. I concur that a tad of canvas to the left might help. I, too, found the BG reeds to be a bit distracting. I'm way out of my league here, so please accept my offering with a grain of salt, but I've reposted with a slight blur to the entire BG. I also did a slight burn on the whites on the back of the neck, the highlights on the beak, and on the two left-leaning parallel stalks. Hope you don't mind. Could be better from someone with more advanced PP skills than mine - I think I left some halos. All in all, a wonderful capture of a handsome bird.

Joe Senzatimore
11-19-2009, 06:16 PM
Tough shot to fix in PS. I might leave it as is , natural environment. Great looking bird. Never saw one thanks for posting a fine image.

Danny J Brown
11-19-2009, 07:20 PM
Hi Alex: Another beautiful bird I haven't seen before. I love the chocolate color color on its head. The reeds make a great setting as well. Beautiful shot.

Alexander Koenders
11-19-2009, 07:24 PM
Alexander: Lovely shot! The warm browns of the BG are a perfect compliment to the bird, and I love the diagonal perch. Feather detail is great. I concur that a tad of canvas to the left might help. I, too, found the BG reeds to be a bit distracting. I'm way out of my league here, so please accept my offering with a grain of salt, but I've reposted with a slight blur to the entire BG. I also did a slight burn on the whites on the back of the neck, the highlights on the beak, and on the two left-leaning parallel stalks. Hope you don't mind. Could be better from someone with more advanced PP skills than mine - I think I left some halos. All in all, a wonderful capture of a handsome bird.

Lovely repost. Bud i stick with the natural enviroment:)

Kiran Poonacha
11-20-2009, 12:35 AM
I too loved the OP as in this case the BG works well giving the feel of the place, nice pose and compo too.. congrats..

Ofer Levy
11-20-2009, 07:36 AM
Lovely shot! Beautiful bird captured nicely in its habitat. I never blur the BG but I have to admit I really like the re-post as it keeps the feeling of the habitat yet the bird stands out much nicer IMO.