View Full Version : Greater scaup on final

Suzanne Huot
11-17-2009, 05:55 PM
Have to post older images as we are now in our 3rd week of heavy rains and no sun to speak of ,hard to photograph in the rain
image taken on a rare sunny day and is from earlier this year at our favourite Lagoon .no ice this time
About a 2/3 crop and the usual P.P etc

Canon eos mk 11 1D
Canon 300 2.8+ 1.4
Av 5.6
Tv 1/3200
Comp 0
ISO 400

C/C most welcome as wish to learn more
Thank you for looking

Glenn Bartley
11-17-2009, 06:00 PM
What a great image Suzanne! I love the rich blue BG and his little feet sticking out the back :)

Nice job with the processing too ;)

Randy Stout
11-17-2009, 06:45 PM

Agree with Glenn about the pose, the feet/tail and wing spread very nice. Head angled away a bit more than ideal. Some of the whites on the back are a bit hot, easily toned down a smidge with the recovery slider if you use ACR. The eye looks just a bit odd, I think may be from the catchlight. Might consider cleaning that up a bit more.

Overall, a very engaging image.



Dave Blinder
11-17-2009, 07:17 PM
Outstanding timing Suzanne! HA noted, but I really love the unusual clarity on the feet here.

Clement Francis
11-17-2009, 07:20 PM
You have an outstanding flight shot of this magnificiant bird here, the light is so gorgeous and so is the clarity

Danny J Brown
11-17-2009, 08:30 PM
Hi Suzanne: This is a gorgeous shot that jumped right off of my computer screen. Pose, colors and bokeh all just right in my opinion.

Ofer Levy
11-17-2009, 09:54 PM
What an impressive shot! Techs look spot on to me. Would prefer some eye contact but this is still awesome.

Tony Whitehead
11-18-2009, 01:27 AM
I love this, Suzanne. Great plumage detail and sharp front to back. I don't mind the going away pose as it gives the nice plumage detail on the back and shows the "airbrakes". Only suggestion would be to clean up the sharpening halo along the dark edges of the neck and head.