View Full Version : Barred Owl

Mike Tracy
11-11-2009, 08:44 AM
Stumbled across where a few of these live this past weekend. The challenge seems to be capturing them out in the open away from the thick oaks where they reside.

Wish for a better wing position and more of a approach angle but there is always next time.

MKIII, EF500, 1/500, f/4, ISO 1250, E.C. + 2/3, cropped a sliver off the right and top, HH.

denise ippolito
11-11-2009, 09:32 AM
Mike, Agree w/ self critique. Very nice details and BG colors.

Randy Stout
11-11-2009, 09:35 AM

Self critique on head angle/flying angle noted. The focus point seems to have been on the near wing, as it is sharper than the body or head. At that shutter speed, always a chance for some motion blur as well. Good to get him away from the deep forest.

Keep working this fellow!


David Hemmings
11-11-2009, 10:31 AM
Pretty sweet light and bg, nits mentioned. All in all a pretty sweet image imo.

Danny J Brown
11-11-2009, 09:41 PM
Hi Mike: We have a lot of barred owls here at the farm where I live and I know how hard a decent flight shot is to get. Even though this shot isn't "technically perfect" it is a joy to look. By the way, I like the wing angle because it makes a nice flat plane.