View Full Version : Osprey # 2

Harshad Barve
11-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Dear All
Made this with D700, 600mm, 1/1000, f5.6 , tripod , cropped , ISO 100
all C & C are welcome and much appreciated

Axel Hildebrandt
11-10-2009, 09:52 PM
Nice catch both of you. I like the raised wings and BG and wish the light were less harsh. You could try to tone down the sunlit whites.

Xavier Maessen
11-10-2009, 09:56 PM
Hi Harshad, congratulations for this very nice capture. The composition is perfect, and the combination of colors is stunning. I guess the sunlight was very strong, and the exposure really tricky. It seems the whites are a bit overexposed on the head?


Harshad Barve
11-10-2009, 10:10 PM
pulled down some midtones ,
here is repost

Juan Carlos Vindas
11-10-2009, 10:27 PM
Hola Harshad!

I see this tighter version even better than your original post. Your repost looks better IMO. Love the BG and pray is a plus.

Ben Egbert
11-10-2009, 11:35 PM
I liked the original. I like the repost even better. Nice catch.

Morkel Erasmus
11-10-2009, 11:52 PM
Great IQ still with that amount of crop Harshad Bhai. great exposure, pose and colours.

Harshad Barve
11-10-2009, 11:55 PM
Great IQ still with that amount of crop Harshad Bhai. great exposure, pose and colours.

50% cropped Morkelbhai , as he started eating I got chance to move closer ,
I am feeling that FF camera can offer you more cropping abilities , would love to hear from experts

Kiran Poonacha
11-10-2009, 11:58 PM
eye contact would have given more punch bhai, good jod on the repost bhai, nice pose, the fish adds well here and loved the BG.. congrats..

Harshad Barve
11-11-2009, 12:03 AM
eye contact would have given more punch bhai,

I do have image with eye contact but IMHO here Osprey looks more relaxed

Kiran Poonacha
11-11-2009, 12:08 AM
cool bhai, got the point, would like to see that just to see the difference.

Dave Barnes
11-11-2009, 12:37 AM
Good one Harshad, love the Bg colours. I prefer the original post. Good exposure, sharp and great pose. The food adds to the image. I would like to see the bird just a touch further to the left in the frame, his eye is just too central for me.

Stu Bowie
11-11-2009, 12:47 AM
I like the wing position, and good to see his catch. Great BG, and your repost looks even better.

Tony Whitehead
11-11-2009, 02:37 AM
Superb BG, feeding pose with raised wings, Harshad. Tried a version using linear burn to bring back a bit of detail in the brights, QM/colour balance to remove the green cast under the near wing and then a sleight sat and contrast boost using OnOne Phototools Daily Multivit.

Harshad Barve
11-11-2009, 04:10 AM
Superb BG, feeding pose with raised wings, Harshad. Tried a version using linear burn to bring back a bit of detail in the brights, QM/colour balance to remove the green cast under the near wing and then a sleight sat and contrast boost using OnOne Phototools Daily Multivit.

Thanks a ton Tony , looks like huge improvement

Mital Patel
11-11-2009, 04:38 AM
based on the original post harshadbhai have posted i've made some changes here ..

1. bg color looks odd to me so changed as per the light condition over to the Osprey.
2. seems like auto white balance would have made that purple tone cast over the bg.
3. I've open up some shadow cast on the osprey
4. open up the perch and talon area with fish and sharpen up a bit.
5. reduced the contrast a bit on osprey
6. clone out the bg light tone big patch from upper right

Hope you like this.

Harshad Barve
11-11-2009, 04:56 AM
Mitalbhai , Beautiful repost

David Hemmings
11-11-2009, 10:35 AM
This is one sweet image. I really like what Mital did with the color balance.

James Salywoda
11-11-2009, 10:40 AM
Stunning my friend the pose, bg and setting make this shot. Well Done!

11-11-2009, 02:40 PM
Very beautiful Harshad, I actually like the original post, Mital's repost has a slight cast on my screen. And yes, as you have found out high quality FF sensor allows for much tighter crops.

paul leverington
11-11-2009, 08:53 PM
Harshad--I without hesitation favor the original for BG color and aerial perspective--plus the various diagonals found there. Maybe a tich of contrast boost for the bird- but just a little. Fix the hot spots. His position of power could be augmented if you were to elevate his position in the frame--either a crop down and/or some canvas added to the bottom. A crop down would help in lessening that darker horizontal purple border line at the top by elimination. I love the shot.
