View Full Version : Annoyed Cormi!!!!!

David Roach
02-13-2008, 08:09 PM
Was getting ready to capture that emerald eye when another cormi entered his personal space. What a racket this guy made!!!! Created in the morning at Anhinga Trail, ENP.1dMKIIN 400 DO ISO 400 F11@1/400

REPOST per comments below...

Fabs Forns
02-13-2008, 08:14 PM
Very nice, David, great detail and colors. I fin it a bit tight in the frame specially at the bottom, where a little bit more neck would have been nice. Clean background!

Axel Hildebrandt
02-13-2008, 08:15 PM
I like the pose and agree with Fabs regarding the tight crop. Maybe a bit more contrast.

Alfred Forns
02-13-2008, 08:21 PM
You had the right set up for the unexpected !!!! All so sharp with a great bg and position Always give you a little room for the unexpected which at Aninga will happen very often !!!!!

Hope to see you at Anhinga !!! Also be ready for the arrival of the Superstars !!!! STK will be in shortly !!!!!! Bring a lounge chair to the parking lot and have some fun !!!!

David Roach
02-13-2008, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the great advice, as usual!!!! I do have more room and will take the advice on the crop!! I just liked the square crop with the rounded shape of the bird on this one. I have a standard Scurve I use for contrast (learned from Artie's CD) and sometimes don't take the time to adjust for each image. OK, So I need to know what does STK stand for?

Fabs Forns
02-13-2008, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the great advice, as usual!!!! I do have more room and will take the advice on the crop!! I just liked the square crop with the rounded shape of the bird on this one. I have a standard Scurve I use for contrast (learned from Artie's CD) and sometimes don't take the time to adjust for each image. OK, So I need to know what does STK stand for?

Swallow-talied Kite!!!!!!

They'll be here soon and we have a lot of quality time with photog friends in the parking lot. They come there to make passes to get the spanish moss from the trees. There could be a coupe of hours between passes and every pass could be only one minute, but very exciting and fun. You need to come!

David Roach
02-13-2008, 08:38 PM
Duh!!! I should have figured that one out!!! I haven't experienced the moss grabbing behavior. Definitely would love to have the chance to catch those beauties in flight!!!! Sounds like fun!!!!

Judy Lynn Malloch
02-13-2008, 09:18 PM
Very lovely portrait David and Fab and Alfred have covered it all. Love the eye contact in this capture.

Maxis Gamez
02-13-2008, 09:20 PM
Hi David,

Love the details, compositiona and colors. Maybe a little more room in front??

Maxis Gamez
02-13-2008, 09:22 PM
Swallow-talied Kite!!!!!!

They'll be here soon and we have a lot of quality time with photog friends in the parking lot. They come there to make passes to get the spanish moss from the trees. There could be a coupe of hours between passes and every pass could be only one minute, but very exciting and fun. You need to come!


Would you let me know?? I'll be in Miami soon!

Grady Weed
02-14-2008, 05:31 AM
Anhinga is the place! Perhaps more room at the bottom and some contrast. Still a nice one. You will get the emerald eye yet. And it is a beaut.